Discover quality tent accessories at everyday low prices, all locally supplied and held in stock right here in New Zealand. With standard delivery within 1 to 3 working days, you can quickly and easily enhance your camping experience. Proudly, Alternative Brands is a New Zealand-based, owned, and operated business, committed to providing you with the best outdoor gear for your adventures.
Explore our range of tent accessories designed to elevate your camping experience. From red aluminium tent pegs to large ultralight groundsheets, our selection caters to every camper's needs. Discover the benefits of our blue aluminium tent pegs, perfect for securing your tent in various terrains. Our tent insulation mat liners provide added comfort and warmth, available in different sizes to fit your tent. For those seeking lightweight options, our green ultralight groundsheet offers essential tent protection without the extra weight. Lastly, our black aluminium tent stakes are a must-have for their durability and lightweight design.
Enhance your camping experience with our versatile tent accessories. Whether you need reliable tent pegs or insulation for colder nights, our range has you covered. Upgrade your camping gear today and enjoy a more comfortable and secure outdoor adventure.